The Flash Season 3 Finale: 8 Big Questions We're Asking After 'Finish Line'

4. Is This The End Of Black Flash

The Flash Savitar
The CW

In last season's finale, Zoom was carried away by Time Wraiths into the Speed Force. Due to his newly desiccated features and subtly different suit, fans were convinced that Zombie Zoom would become Black Flash, basically the speedster grim reaper in the comics. Sure enough, they were proven right this year when Zoom turned up to hunt down Barry and Reverse-Flash across The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow.

In Finish Line, however, the character seemed to come to an abrupt end. When he emerges from the Speed Force to capture Savitar, Killer Frost is able to freeze him to the point that he disintegrates. As Savitar reveals, apparently the one thing Black Flash can't handle is "cold."

If this is the true end of Black Flash, though, it is surprising in many ways. The character is an important one in the comics so it would have been fun for him to stick around on the show for a while. Also, it doesn't seem to make a whole lot of sense that Killer Frost would be able to kill a speedster with such ease. Especially one who is now an agent of the Speed Force.

On the other hand, seeing as Hunter Zolomon betrayed Caitlin more than anyone back in season two, it makes the most sense that she would be the one to finish him off for good.


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