The Flash Season 3 Finale: 8 Big Questions We're Asking After 'Finish Line'

3. What Will Caitlin/Killer Frost's Role Be Next Season?

The Flash Savitar
The CW

Speaking of the former Dr Snow, Finish Line leaves the character in an interesting position. Throughout the episode, she proves that she doesn't really want to be a villain and eventually turns against Savitar to aid Team Flash. However, when given a serum that will repress her powers by Cisco, she refuses. At H.R.'s funeral, she claims that she is someone other than Caitlin or Killer Frost now and needs to spend some time working out who that is.

So what role will Caitlin-Frost (Killer-Snow?) have in season four if she won't be a part of Team Flash or an overarching villain? While we like the idea of the character being taken in a more ambiguous direction, it is difficult to imagine that lasting as it will be tough to give Danielle Panabaker a regular part in the show.

Ultimately, it's likely that Caitlin will fully redeem herself and rejoin Team Flash as yet another super-powered ally. How she will get to that point, and whether she will flip-flop between being good and evil until then, remains unclear.


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