The Flash Season 5: 4 Ups & 3 Downs From ‘Time Bomb’
1. The Truth Is Out
Nora West-Allen has been the subject of a mystery for a very long time now. First showing up sporadically throughout Season 4, we found ourselves theorising over who she was. When that was revealed, we found ourselves wondering why she had travelled back in time to meet her parents. But the biggest mystery of all revolved around her secret partnership with her father's arch rival Eobard Thawne. Well, after keeping that secret for far too long, the truth about Nora's timeline manipulation is finally out.
Sherloque's reveal stunned all of Team Flash to the core, but no one more so than Barry, who was crushed beyond belief that his daughter would align herself with the man who killed her own grandmother and subsequently lie about it. It left Nora speechless (though she was already going to tell them at that very moment), unable to defend herself and, perhaps most importantly, imprisoned in the pipeline.
We don't quite know what the full extent of Eobard's plans are and whether or not he is still manipulating them even now, but we do know that, as far as Nora is concerned, there are no more mysteries. Her worst nightmare has come true and now, she's going to have to face up to the consequences - whatever they may be.
This season, the show has spent an awful long time stuck in the same place, but now that the truth is finally out, things are bound to start moving at a much quicker pace. Whatever happens from here on out, things have been changed - the only question is: have they been changed for the better?
Now, for the negatives...