The Flash Season 5: 6 Ups & 2 Downs From 'Godspeed'
1. Danielle Panabaker's Direction

In case you hadn't noticed, this week's episode was directed by The Flash's own Danielle Panabaker. That's right, Team Flash's Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost stepped behind the camera in an attempt to bring Nora's backstory to life, and that's exactly what she did.
Whether you look at the countless Easter Eggs, the stakes, or the impressive visuals throughout, there was something noticeably different about 'Godspeed'. The episode relied heavily on nostalgia and, although the script obviously had a part to play in that department, there was a warmth about it - one that reminded us of how the show used to feel during its glory days - and this feeling just couldn't have been achieved by someone who wasn't familiar with it in the way that Panabaker is.
It was an assured reminder of everything that the show once thrived on blended with the current events and, with The Flash vet behind the camera, the actors delivered some of their finest performances in quite some time. All of this ultimately set the episode apart from everything else we have seen this season and allowed Panabaker to impress in her directorial debut.
Bravo Danielle. Bravo indeed.
Now, for the negative.