The Flash Season 5 Finale: 6 Ups & 2 Downs From 'Legacy'

3. Team Flash Vs. Reverse-Flash II

The Flash Reverse Flash Eobard Thawne Barry Allen
The CW

The moment that the focus shifted to Thawne, the already-strong finale reached new heights - a clear reminder of how magnificent The Flash is whenever he's around. But it wasn't just the talking that was fascinating, it was the action that soon followed.

As the Reverse-Flash sped his way through Central City 2049, he was followed by Barry and Nora - both of whom did their best to catch up with him. Although he managed to get the upper hand, he soon found himself confronted by the entirety of Team Flash (and, you know, a time sphere) - all of whom managed to defeat him quite easily.

With multiple callbacks to Season 1 (both in visuals and dialogue), and plenty of high-intensity edge-of-seat moments, the showdown may have been short but it was incredibly sweet.

This is the kind of brilliance that The Flash used to produce on a weekly basis and, if anything, it's a reminder that it's still more than capable of pulling it off.

We had all waited a long time for this rematch and it most certainly didn't disappoint.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.