The Flash Season 5 Finale: 6 Ups & 2 Downs From 'Legacy'

1. Leaving Things In An Interesting Place

The Flash Barry Allen Iris West
The CW

What was most interesting about The Flash's Season 5 finale is that it didn't directly spend any time focusing on setting up Season 6. While it's clear that, from the events that took place during the episode, the next offering will look incredibly different, it spent more time showing us how everything has already been changed in the present - it's all been changed because of Nora.

Nora is gone, the Reverse-Flash is in the wind, Joe is now the CCPD captain and Team Flash is, well, they're a lot of things - Cisco is no longer a metahuman, Caitlin is looking forward to her next chapter as Killer Frost, Ralph might be destined for romance and Barry and Iris are grieving the death of their daughter.

Nora's arrival turned everything upside down and, although that caused a lot of stress for everyone involved, it ultimately changed them for the better. As a result, the finale was less about looking forward and more about looking back, as the enthusiastic speedster's parents reflected on how she touched their lives, allowing viewers to reflect on how she changed the course of the show.

Like the lives of each member of Team Flash, Season 6 may be all the richer because of the impact that she made.

Now, for the negatives...

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.