The Flash Season 5 Premiere: 6 Ups & 2 Downs From 'Nora'

2. Back To The Future

The Flash Future Newspaper
The CW

The Flash's debut season focused on the Reverse-Flash's desperate attempts to return to the future. The villain's obsession with heading back to where he came from allowed viewers to get acquainted with artefacts from his time, including the infamous newspaper headline that referred to The Flash's vanishing in a "Crisis".

Since then, that headline has taken more of a backseat, with Team Flash occasionally referring to it when they need to ensure that the timeline is intact. However, that all changed in the Season 5 premiere when Nora revealed to Barry that he never resurfaces. She then corroborated her statement with another newspaper headline (also written by Iris West-Allen) that reveals that the Scarlet Speedster is still missing 25 years after the incident.

In a way, this bombshell brings the show full-circle. Not only does it take us right back to where the show began, it shows us that history has started to repeat itself, as Nora was forced to grow up without her father, much like how Barry lost his own parents.

We always knew that the show would return to The Flash's future vanishing at some point, but nobody could have predicted when. This reveal has put Season 5 on the map in a huge way and it could end up bringing some much-needed closure to this open-ended arc... or it could open a whole new can of worms and screw up the timeline further. Either way, it's going to make for one heck of an adventure.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.