The Flash Season 5 Premiere: 6 Ups & 2 Downs From 'Nora'


2. Too Many Plot Conveniences

The Flash S5 Torn Suit
The CW

As there was no time jump this season, Barry's suit was still battle-damaged from destroying DeVoe's satellite, so it made sense that he needed a new one. But then he went and confused matters by bringing out his Season 1 suit, which was so perfect that it made fans hope that he would just retain it instead. After all, that suit lasted him a full year, right?

However, it didn't take long for something to go wrong, ultimately tearing the suit and rendering it useless. But this didn't stop Barry, as he then resurrected the Season 2 suit. This was another cool little nod to the show's glory days that fans undoubtedly appreciated. That is, until it was destroyed too.

The writers should be commended for making Barry logically decide to wear his old Flash suits, but by doing so, they backed themselves into a corner. We know that they wanted to introduce a new Flash suit into the mix, but this came across as rather contrived. Each of those respective outfits have gone through hell and still come out the other end looking badass and now, they suddenly aren't durable enough to survive a single blast each?

It was all a little too convenient and felt like it was just done to force us towards an endgame that we already knew was inevitable. The new suit was great, but the narrative towards getting it may have been more effective it was a little more natural.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.