The Handmaid's Tale: 6 Ups And 1 Down From 'Holly'

5. Car Trouble

The Handmaid's Tale

One of the highlights of the episode was the scene where June decides to make a run for it instead of waiting to be rescued. It was a completely believable thing for her to do - especially considering the rape she suffered at the hands of both Serena and Fred last week. Why should she wait for them to rescue her? Instead, she decides to throw caution to the wind and make yet another escape attempt. In addition to fulfilling the promise she made to her unborn child, there's absolutely a little bit of sweet revenge involved in this decision. It was the ultimate 'f**k you' to Serena and Fred.

However, when it looks like she's ready to break free (from both the house and her oppression), she faces another problem: the garage door won't open. The scene of her revving the car continuously and driving into the door (in an attempt to make it open) is truly superb. It was almost like a visual representation of her inner anger. While we're on this subject, the subtext throughout this episode was magnificent.


Stephen Patterson is an experienced writer and reviewer. He's also a TV addict.