The Handmaid's Tale: 6 Ups And 1 Down From 'Holly'

3. June's Moment With The Gun

The Handmaid's Tale

Watching June Osbourne pick up a shotgun and loading it with ammunition was like something out of a dream. Never in a million years did we imagine we'd ever see such a scene.

It was certainly cathartic watching the young handmaid point the gun at her oppressor - her abuser - and, despite how disturbingly relevant and realistic this show is, it would've been completely understandable had she pulled the trigger. For a moment, we really thought she was going to shoot Fred, but she eventually came to her senses.

Gilead has changed things in favour of the powerful, so if June did end up killing Fred it could hardly be seen as murder. In this case, after all that she's been through, it would more likely be self-defence. Or justice.


Stephen Patterson is an experienced writer and reviewer. He's also a TV addict.