The Mandalorian Season 1 - 10 Easter Eggs, Secrets & References Explained

7. Super Battle Droids

Mandalorian Darksaber

During the flashback sequences showing the attacks that orphaned Din Djarin, the Death Watch come to his rescue. But what they're defending him from is incredibly interesting.

The Clone Wars were fought by two forces, the Republic's Clone Army and the Separatists' Droid Army. One of the key Droid Army units was the Super Battle Droid. It was larger than the standard model and equipped with more a more devastating array of weapons. That being said, it stood up to a lightsaber about as well as a normal Battle Droid.

Djarin's age places the flashback with the Separatist attack towards the tail-end of the Clone Wars, but there is one lasting question that Season 2 is sure to resolve.

As those familiar with The Clone Wars TV show will remember, Death Watch rarely operated outside of Mandalorian space save for when Maul and Savage Oppress aligned with them. Could it be that Djarin was rescued after the Siege of Mandalore, which is set to take place in the next season of the Clone Wars? Hopefully we get the answers soon...


Ian Goodwillie is a freelance writer based out of Saskatoon, SK, Canada. He has a BA in English Literature from the University of Saskatchewan and completed the Writing Program at Vancouver Film School. More importantly, Ian is also a wrestling fan, comic book reader, video game player and photographer. He loves to write and writes about what he loves. Ian's also an unrepentant, unapologetic Cougar Town fan, a show he will defend until the day he dies.