The Mandalorian Season 2: 10 Biggest Moments And Reveals In "The Marshal"

3. A Familiar Jetpack Problem

The Mandalorian
Lucasfilm / Disney+

This is a small moment, but one that's likely to be a highlight for many Star Wars fans. In Return of the Jedi, Boba Fett suffered an embarrassing defeat when Han Solo inadvertently set off his jetpack and sent him flying into the waiting Sarlacc Pit.

Despite how little screentime the fan-favourite bounty hunter had received at that point, most fans were left fuming over the way he was treated. Fett deserved better, and was subsequently resurrected in the "Expanded Universe" comic books and tie-in novels.

When Din Djarin decides how to take down the Krayt Dragon, he gives Cobb Vanth's jetpack a good whack and similarly sends him flying off to go look after the Child. It's a fun throwback, but an indication that these jetpacks have a weakness!

Whether that will be the case with Din's remains to be seen, but the fact Fett's is still working could go some way in explaining how he, and his armour, manages to emerge from the Sarlacc Pit.


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.