The Newsroom: 5 News Stories That Should Be Covered In Series 2

2. The 2012 Presidential Election

Obama Romney If you took one thing away from this piece's introduction, it was probably that this news story is practically a given at ACN. It's not if it will happen, it's when. There's definitely lots of material for the news team to go on for this election cycle: the aftermath of the Benghazi attack, Mitt Romney's rather tactless 47% comment, Barack Obama's handling of Hurricane Sandy, the game changing first presidential debate that made Romney a real contender for the White House, the early electoral college victory for Obama (he hadn't yet won the popular vote), the list could go on and on and on. We already know from the season 2 trailer that the premiere will pick up in or around October 2012, when Marcia Gay Harden's character mentions that Will's infamous August 2011 on-air Tea Party spat was 14 months prior, so that sets up the election season right there. There is a brief flash of How I Met Your Mother vet Benjamin Koldyke telling a new reporter at ACN that he has for him "the kind of story that could make careers and end Presidencies;" could Koldyke's mystery character be a Benghazi whistleblower? And now for the big one...

Steve is an unrepentant nerd who enjoys all things Disney, Doctor Who, and Star Trek. He is currently finishing his undergraduate degree in political science at Temple University and divides his time between his homes in Philadelphia and Orlando.