The Office: 10 Best Episodes Set Outside Of Dunder Mifflin

8. Money (S4E4)

The Office Beach Games

During season four, many of the episodes played out as two parts. Though not all of Money was set outside of the office, the first half, which would be the length of any other normal episode, was.

There were two separate storylines that were followed outside of the walls of Dunder Mifflin, all of which resulted in four members of the office coming in the next day without a proper night's sleep. Michael, Jim, Pam, and Dwight all had a rough night, and of course, it made for great entertainment.

The dynamic between Jim, Dwight, and Pam is one of the highlights throughout the entire series, and Scranton's favourite couple visiting Schrute Farms allowed for an ever deeper exploration of this than ever before. Staying in the Irrigation Room, being read Harry Potter before bed, and being woken up by Dwight's crying all made for an interesting night at the very least.

This was offset by a B story surrounding Michael's second job as a telemarketer to support Jan's spending. Seeing how the Dunder Mifflin boss interacted with a very different management style to his own, and his relationships with both Jan and Vikrum showed so many different aspects to Michael and forced the audience to once again feel incredibly sorry for him.

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The Office
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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.