The Office: 10 MORE Insane Details You Definitely Missed

9. Kevin, An Accountant, Only Wears Glasses When Playing Poker

The Office insane detail

Of all the things you remember about Kevin Malone (Brian Baumgartner), you probably don't remember that he apparently needs to wear glasses - at least when he's playing poker.

In the series' all-time classic season two episode "Casino Night," we see Kevin wearing glasses while he plays poker, despite the fact that we never once see him wearing them while working at Dunder Mifflin.

Given that Kevin is an accountant - an extremely detail-orientated job - it basically implies that he's doing his job half-blind, and only wears glasses during poker because now he's in charge of his own money and actually cares about the outcome. The company's coffers? Not so much.

And like that, it's even more incredible that Kevin managed to avoid being fired for so damn long.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.