The Office: 10 MORE Insane Details You Definitely Missed

8. Creed Says To Andy In Chinese, "Don't Mix Seahorse With Alcohol"

The Office insane detail

In season seven's "Viewing Party," an insecure Andy Bernard (Ed Helms) is encouraged by Ryan (B.J. Novak) to sneak into Gabe's (Zach Woods) room and give his "Chinese virility supplement" a try.

Andy enthusiastically mixes the apparent supplement into his glass of wine and chugs it down, unaware that it's actually powdered seahorse.

As Andy begins to feel not-so-good, he approaches Creed (Creed Bratton) and asks him to help translate the Chinese label of the supposed supplement.

Creed responds in Chinese, and both Andy and the audience are left to assume Creed is just speaking gibberish. As it turns out, however, despite his terrible pronunciation he is actually speaking Mandarin, saying, "Don't mix seahorse with alcohol." Oops.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.