The Office: 10 Most Hated Characters

1. Jan Levinson

The Office Jan

At first, Jan Levinson-Gould was a character who deserved a lot of sympathy in her role at Dunder Mifflin. It was her job to work with, and put up with Michael Scott day in and day out, something that was similar to babysitting a particularly troublesome toddler.

However, once she dropped the Gould and started going out with Michael, her true colours were revealed. She could be described as nothing other than toxic to her boyfriend, she made him unhappy, she didn't care about his feelings, and she even dropped to the level of offering him money when he didn't want to have sex.

When she was unemployed, she forced Michael to sell his car, she plunged him into credit card debt and then blamed him for it, and she forced him into getting a second job to support her. In his own home he had to sleep on a futon at the foot of the bed, and he didn't even have a chair in front of the TV.

The worst thing she did however, by far, was make Michael not only have a vasectomy despite knowing how desperate he was to have kids, she had him reverse it, and then have it done again. In the background to putting her boyfriend through this hell, she went to a sperm bank and got impregnated behind his back. In short, Jan was simply evil.

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