The Office: 10 Most Hated Characters

2. Todd Packer

The Office Jan

With the exception of Toby Flenderson, Michael Scott liked to think of everyone in his life as his friends, however there were a few people that he held in a special regard. He worshipped Jim and Pam and wanted nothing more than to just hang out with them outside of work, he was determined for Ryan to be his best friend, and for some reason, he loved Todd Packer.

This was baffling because there literally was not one single redeeming attribute that made Packer anything less than detestable. Whenever he showed up in the Scranton branch, the atmosphere of the entire office dropped.

This is because he was a homophobic, sexist pig who made inappropriate and offensive jokes, and was unbelievably disrespectful to everyone in the office, in particular the women. He objectified them, was rude to their faces, and was sexually inappropriate every time he was on screen. The guy's license plate was WLHUNG after all.

Even after he was fired in Florida, he came back to the office and used addiction recovery as a guise to feed everyone at Scranton cupcakes laced with just about every drug you could think of. Thankfully, he was never a permanent fixture of the office.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.