The Office: 10 Weirdest Things Found In Dunder Mifflin
9. The Haunted Warehouse

"Why is Christmas the only holiday that can have a message?"
Trying to convey an important life lesson to a group of children is a moralistic and worthwhile endeavor.
With that being said, Michael's method in the now infamous deleted introductory scene to Season 6's Koi Pond might just be the most objectionably unconventional manner of delivering such a message in television history. The cold open reveals that the Office members have organized a Halloween outing for the local children, turning Dunder Mifflin's warehouse into a low-budget haunted house.
The bizarre amalgamation of horror characters is weird enough - in a drab, uninspiring sort of way - before Michael proceeds to channel his usual inimitably strange brand of inappropriateness by putting the most offensive of capstones on the experience.
In attempt to deliver the message that "suicide is never the answer", the regional manager simulates his own death by hanging in front of the horrified children in one of The Office's most excruciatingly misjudged sequences. The fact that Michael was dressed as SNL's infamous "D*ck in a Box" character and had referred to Craig Robinson's Daryl Philbin as a "gangster pumpkin" moments earlier decidedly didn't help proceedings.
It came of little shock to most fans when this appallingly inexplicable fumble was removed from later copies of the show.