The Office: 10 Worst Things Michael Scott Ever Did

3. Almost Ruined Phyllis' Wedding

The Office

A person's wedding day is the one time in their life when they can unabashedly hog all the attention. That should have been Phyllis' experience when she walked down the aisle to marry her beloved Bob Vance of Vance Refrigeration. Sadly, it wasn't so simple, as Michael Scott had to make the entire ordeal about him.

During this episode, Phyllis reveals that she has granted Michael a position in the ceremony in exchange for six weeks off for her honeymoon. His job is to wheel her father down the aisle, and as expected, he accepts as he unrightfully thinks of himself as the father of the bride.

However, he's distraught when her father stands from his wheelchair in a beautiful moment to walk her down the aisle himself. Soon, he tries desperately to recapture the limelight that he falsely thinks he deserves. It all culminates in an overdrawn toast in which he discusses far too personal matters and ends up getting ejected from the ceremony.

What's worst about this whole ordeal is that he's completely blind to his actions. After being kicked out, he sulks and feels sorry for himself, with no remorse or understanding of his atrocious behaviour.

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The Office
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Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!