The Office: Every Season Ranked Worst To Best
4. Season 6
If you're an aspiring TV writer and are curious to know what it takes to take one storyline, one overarching plot element that's been building up over the course of five seasons, and turn it into one of the most vehemently adored plots in all of television, then put this season on.
Grab a notepad and some pens (yes pens, you'll need a few) and start jotting down everything surrounding Jim and Pam in this season. Even though their wedding technically only takes place over the course of a two-part episode, the magnitude of the couple's development outweighs every other character by a landslide.
Now that probably sounds quite dull - quite one-track minded. Perhaps quite s*it to be honest. However it cannot be stressed enough just how good of a season this truly is. Everything that has been built up over the previous seasons comes to a head here, well other than a couple of marriages that will be mentioned in other entries.
The wedding episodes are phenomenal (even if the Chris Brown track that supports it hasn't aged too well), and the opening episode shows Michael's ineptitude in abundance and has such a basic premise but is executed so well. That patented "The Office" serenity that comes in the twist makes it just so undeniably charming and then on the other end of the spectrum, there's "Scott's Tots". Probably the most distasteful, yet unflinchingly hilarious episodes in tv history. Just watch it and be prepared to cringe.
Contrarily, the season loses a few points for the incredibly underwhelming follow-up episode to the wedding itself, titled Mafia. Without hesitation this is easily one of the weakest episodes altogether and feels almost like the televised equivalent of a hangover.