The Simpsons: 10 Best Martin Prince Moments

7. Inviting Nelson To His Party

Here you are, Nelson! Ptthp! Here you are, Nelson!

Another Nelson and Martin moment here (with more still to come), this one’s a little quick but it’s an instantly-recognisable quote from the show - it couldn’t not be on the list.

Martin invites the class to join him in a celebration of the anniversary of his portentous birth. In doing so, he puts an invitation on Nelson’s table, only for the bully to swipe it off while rasping his tongue. Martin, oblivious to Nelson’s mocking, picks the invitation up and returns it, only for Nelson to do it again and again.

Mrs Krabappel’s dry sarcasm gets added into the mix too... a full strength Springfield at its peak really was something special.

Martin had such a sweet naivety to him, that you couldn’t really help but like him. It’s definitely easy to see why he was an easy target for the other kids though - his Wang computers shirt didn't really do him any favours either.

It’s a shame that, with the main story being the start of Skinner and Krabappel’s affair, we don’t see all that much of his party. Considering he has a mathemagician for entertainment and serves oysters, it was clearly a one for the ages.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)