The Simpsons: 10 Best Martin Prince Moments

5. Image Enhancement Camp

Kamp Krusty is one of the best ever Simpsons episodes (let’s never speak of Kamp Krustier again), and while most of the episode takes place at the titular camp, there’s also the neighbouring Image Enhancement Camp.

Martin leads the few scenes which take place here, earning his place in this brilliant episode.

He sees right through the name, telling his lesser spotted father ‘spare me your euphemisms! It’s fat camp for daddy’s chubby little secret!’ in a fantastic piece of Martin verbosity. He’s only featured sporadically after they take off for camp, but delivers every time.

The conditions in the Image Enhancement Camp are just as cruel as they are in Kamp Krusty, though there’s definitely more going on in Bart & Lisa’s side of the story. What’s really interesting though is that when Bart overthrows Mr Black and takes back Kamp Krusty, he frees Martin and the rest too.

After being starved for so long, Martin and the rest gladly eat Kamp Krusty’s gruel. Even though Martin is the butt of the joke sometimes, it’s clear Bart views him as a friend, even if he doesn’t always admit it.

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The Simpsons
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