The Simpsons: 10 Best Martin Prince Moments

4. The Wizard Of Latin

He mastered a dead tongue, but he couldn’t handle a live one.

In a Treehouse Of Horror appearance, Martin finishes his work early and is told to put his head down and go to sleep. In his dreams, he’s the Wizard of Latin, spouting off Latin phrases with whimsy.

However, Nightmare On Elm Street style, Groundskeeper Willie invades his dreams to kill him. This Treehouse Of Horror episode features some of the best animation the show has ever done, and in Willie chasing Martin and Martin’s death convulsions, we see that on display.

Perhaps not quite as impressive as Willie’s several transformations before he disappears into the sinky sand at the end, but still pretty great.

It works because Martin’s imagination is so boundless, his ridiculousness rises to meet the scenario. In most other dreams, we simply see the consequences, like Nelson all sparkly from the floor buffer. Martin is the perfect choice to illustrate Willie’s attacks.

Martin’s rigor mortis is as hilarious as it is terrifying, and wheeling him through the kindergarten is just brilliant. Shame about all those kids who’ll be traumatised though. Good thing Treehouse Of Horror episodes aren’t canon.

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