The Simpsons: 10 Fates Worse Than Death

7. Bart's Many Futures

The Simpsons Homer Donut
20th Television

Bart Simpson really doesn't look destined for a bright and happy future. In fact, thanks to the episode Lisa The Simpson, it seems certain that Bart is facing a wasted life of sadness. To add insult to injury, the audience discovers this fact as part of someone else's story.

Lisa has begun to worry, thanks to a little prodding by Grampa Simpson, that she is gradually losing her smarts. To cheer her up, Homer gathers dozens of members of the Simpson clan on the lawn to tell her what they're doing in their careers. One man answers that he shoots birds at the airport, while another bloke chases ambulances. One fella looks successful until it turns out to be an act.

Lisa's fears are put to rest when the women of the Simpson family assure her that only the male Simpsons lose their intellect as they age. The female Simpson family members are all facing a bright and successful future.

Though this is meant to serve as an upbeat resolution for Lisa, it is a crushing revelation for Bart. Try as he might, that old dream of him becoming Chief Justice of the Supreme Court seems destined to remain a dream forever.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick