The Simpsons: 10 Fates Worse Than Death

6. The Krusty The Clown Doll

The Simpsons Homer Donut
20th Television

In the third Treehouse of Horror episode, Clown Without Pity, an evil Krusty the Clown doll becomes the victim for this list.

Things start to go wrong from the moment Homer brings him into the house, but to be fair, he was warned! The doll comes with a terrible curse, which is bad. But, it also comes with free frozen yoghurt. Which is good.

The doll proceeds to go full Chucky on Homer, doing just enough to make the Simpson patriarch believe he is going insane. No one in the family believes that anything is actually happening until they see Homer being drowned in the dog bowl. Only then is he able to let everyone know that the doll's trying to kill him and the toaster's been laughing at him!

A quick call to the manufacturer reveals the problem - Krusty's personality switch was set to "Evil" instead of "Good". One click later and he's the perfect little slave.

Then, Krusty's horror truly begins.

He moves into Malibu Stacey's dreamhouse and tells his new wife that on their first day of the new arrangement, Homer has made him give the man a sponge bath. He shudders in revulsion. His nightmare is only beginning.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick