The Simpsons: 10 Fates Worse Than Death

5. Rex Banner Gets Catapulted

The Simpsons Homer Donut
20th Television

In Homer vs. The Eighteenth Amendment, Rex Banner's fate after surviving his run-in with the Springfield catapult could not have been good.

Not only has he been soundly dismissed from his new job in Springfield but the Eliot Ness stand-in has seen a place on Earth that is anathema to his very core. This town took all of his efforts and shot him off into the distance because of it.

Is this a fate worse than death? Well, look at the track records of the characters that have tried the hardest in The Simpsons.

Frank Grimes was broken by Homer's influence and ol' Gill just can't catch a break in Springfield. Rex does manage to survive being flung but his grudge against the Beer Barron remains, as he takes part in the mob that tries to kill Homer after the town is encased by a huge dome in The Simpsons Movie.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick