The Simpsons: 10 Most Controversial Moments Ever

1. The Panda Rape Scene

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This will range from uncomfortable to downright horrifying depending on the viewer’s state, all of whom will probably agree that something like this has no place on television.

This honestly needs to no introduction or background, it literally is it what it says. In the episode, “Homer vs Dignity”, Homer dresses up as a monkey for Mr. Burns, in order to make some extra money.

As part of his gig, he makes his way into Springfield Zoo. And that is where things take a turn for the absolute worst.

Homer encounters a male panda, who for some reason takes a liking to him. Then, the panda proceeds to manhandle Homer, before forcefully taking him to some kind of lair. From thereon, everything pointed to the panda supposedly raping Homer.

The whole scene was difficult to watch, and left audiences wondering what on earth could have been the reasoning behind putting it on the show. While it’s true the Simpsons got into the worst trouble for the things they said about other countries and powerful figures, nothing can compare to this in terms of making fans want to turn off their screens.

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After battling Galactus and pinning Hulk Hogan in the main event of Wrestlemania, I've taken a break from living in fantasy worlds, to focus on writing about them. I'm a comic book geek, a wrestling mark, a break dancer, and a scientist. One of those things may not be true.