The Simpsons: 10 Most Heartfelt Episodes

2. Bart Gets an “F” – Season 2, Episode 1

Mother Simpson
20th Century Fox Television

Under the threat of repeating the fourth grade after continuous test failures, Bart vows to do better and study hard for his next test, only for various obstacles making things more and more difficult.

An insightful, poignant story which is bound to resonate with many viewers for its exploration of the demanding nature of the school system and the causes this can have on the mental health of a young mind.

Bart tries everything to pass the test, enlisting the help of child genius Martin and even praying to God for a miracle, but he still fails and it is incredibly emotional when he breaks down in tears upon seeing the dreaded ‘F’.

Although the episode ends optimistically, this story is grounded and honest and full of thought-provoking drama.

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