The Simpsons: 15 Most Watched Episodes Of All Time

5.Homer's Night Out -30.3m


Season 1 Episode 10

Well before feminism became the go-to morality message, the Simpsons was well ahead of the curve, exploring how Marge felt an image of Homer dancing with a provocatively dressed Belly Dancer would have on Bart's perception of women as sex objects.

Despite the laughs involved in the episode it was a weighty issue to explore, particularly so long ago (TV has progressed significantly since the early '90s in terms of it), which is perhaps why it was more goofy than funny. Though it was good to see Homer's attempts to atone for his unknowing slur - there's nothing vicious in his perceived sexism, after all, he doesn't necessarily know what he's done wrong - and his journey to realisation is the show's central draw.

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