The Simpsons: 20 Best Itchy And Scratchy Moments
17. Burning Down The Mouse
From: Homer Goes To College
As in Tom And Jerry, it's a truth universally acknowledged that Itchy will always get the better of Scratchy - yet there exists one famous moment in Itchy and Scratchy history in which Scratchy actually kills Itchy! Such a monumental occasion would be higher on this list but, uh, it has never actually been shown.
Eager to catch this once-in-a-lifetime event, Bart and Lisa watch in awe as Scratchy has Itchy tied up with sticks of dynamite in his eyes and ears, two nuclear bombs aimed at him and boxes of TNT all around. But just at the opportune moment, the TV switches off due to a nerd who is staying with them messing with the cables. Bart isn't best pleased: "Dad, start digging nerd holes in the back yard."