The Simpsons: 5 Future-Themed Episodes Ranked

3. Future-Drama

Season 16 "Future-Drama" marks the first appearance of Bart's future girlfriend/wife/ex-wife Jenda (keep in mind these episodes are not cannon), and shows the future as being 2013. Looking back on it from 2013's actual future, it's pretty hokey, but it's still a step up from Bart to the Future. In the episode, released in 2005 and the 350th episode of the series as a whole, a future Bart and Lisa wind up competing for the same college scholarship, provided by series antagonist C. Montgomery Burns. Despite only eight years between the air date and the future it's portraying, the episode was (perhaps intentionally) way off on the future it was depicting, showing hover cars and underwater houses (the purchase of the latter is listed as the reason Marge has finally left Homer). However, in one of those "Bart really does care" moments, he winds up giving her the scholarship in the end after getting a glimpse of the future even further down the road, and seeing that the scholarship will improve Lisa's life much more than his own. That at least puts it over "Bart to the Future" which can best be described as a bunch of stuff that didn't happen and wasn't particularly funny.
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Primarily covering the sport of MMA from Ontario, Canada, Jay Anderson has been writing for various publications covering sports, technology, and pop culture since 2001. Jay holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of Guelph, and a Certificate in Leadership Skills from Humber College.