The Simpsons: 5 Future-Themed Episodes Ranked

1. Lisa's Wedding

Season 6 Sometimes the original is still the best. Albeit a thin playing field, but when it comes to Simpsons episodes set in the future, this holds true. "Lisa's Wedding" was the first, and frankly the best of the episodes looking at the Simpsons down the road. Focusing on Lisa's first love (and not her true love), as shown to her by a fortune teller, it depicts her disastrous relationship and engagement with British import Hugh (Mandy Patinkin), who makes the tragic mistake of agreeing to meet Lisa's family prior to their wedding. Inadvertently insulted almost immediately by Homer and Bart (who accidentally light the British flag on fire then put it out with manure), Hugh is in a fish out of water situation the entire episode, unable to connect with Lisa's family on any level. This eventually leads to the breakdown of their relationship when Hugh refuses to wear a set of pig-themed cuff links as part of the Simpson family wedding tradition. It's not the high mark of the season - season six was one of the series' best. However, as far as a look into the future of the Simpsons goes, it was probably the most entertaining - and, as Lisa sticks up for her father's hurt feelings when Hugh turns his back on their custom, the most moving. Add your thoughts below!
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Primarily covering the sport of MMA from Ontario, Canada, Jay Anderson has been writing for various publications covering sports, technology, and pop culture since 2001. Jay holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of Guelph, and a Certificate in Leadership Skills from Humber College.