The Simpsons: Every Season Ranked Worst To Best

22. Season 19

The Simpsons
20th Television

Season 19 was the first season released after the 2007 movie, and showed a noticeable drop in quality from earlier instalments. The first four episodes suffer from overstuffed and worn narratives, and it isn't until the Treehouse of Horror episode that things really find their footing.

As the horror instalment pays homage to E.T and Seven, the season picks up with "Little Orphan Millie," in which Milhouse's parents are presumed dead, and "Eternal Moonshine of the Simpson Mind," wherein Homer contemplates suicide after believing Marge no longer loves him.

It's a touching and darkly humorous episode, and stands as the best of a mostly so-so season of filler and throwaway gags.

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i get to write about what i love, which is cool. be good to each other