The Simpsons: Every Season Ranked Worst To Best
23. Season 17

Season 17 opens up to marital discord between Homer and Marge, in an episode which doesn't so much amuse as it does bore. The season does pick up from there, particularly with the Sideshow Bob-centric "The Italian Bob" and the funny but sweet "Marge's Son Poisoning," but as a whole the season is let down by its noticeably weaker writing and strained storylines.
The season has a heavy reliance on segmented episodes, including an annual Treehouse of Horror and two other episodes that tell series of smaller, zanier stories.
There is, of course, still quite a bit to love. Sideshow Bob return is welcome one thanks to Kelsey Grammar's spotless voice-over talents, and "Regarding Margie," wherein Marge gets amnesia, still stands as one of the show's most moving episodes.