The Simpsons: Every Season Ranked Worst To Best

17. Season 16

The Simpsons

As with many of the show's later seasons, The Simpsons' 16th offering is held back from greatness by a decline in originality and unique storylines. But these issues are relatively minor compared to the show's weaker efforts, as season 16 serves up a solid balance of humour, heart and sharp-eyed social satire.

Between Marge's surprisingly sweet bond with Nelson, Bart faking his own kidnapping and Homer's friendship with a man who may or may not be real, this is a season of genuine gems that deserve to be ranked alongside some of the show's more beloved classics.

Though Bart's expulsion and Marge's stint at Moe's Tavern are both episodes lacking a major hook, the rest of the season is good enough to stand as one of the show's better instalments.

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i get to write about what i love, which is cool. be good to each other