The Simpsons: Every Season Ranked Worst To Best

14. Season 13

The Simpsons
20th Television

A big step-up from its last two seasons, The Simpsons fired on all cylinders throughout its 13th installment.

Alongside Bart's run-in with cruel judge Constance Harm, Marge's reunion with her unhinged ex Artie Ziff, and Lisa's rendition of what happened with Joan of Arc, season 13 is rife with well-placed guest stars (before such a novelty became a frequent overindulgence) and clever social commentary.

The lazy clip-show effort "Gump Roast" is the only really poor offering of the season, but it's not enough to take away from the season's biggest selling points. Even episodes designed as unspectacular filler are too fun to criticise, and the show's added focus on key relationships allows more heart and sentimentality than ever before.

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i get to write about what i love, which is cool. be good to each other