The Simpsons: Every Season Ranked Worst To Best

12. Season 22

The Simpsons
20th Television

The last truly great season of The Simpsons, season 22 is let down briefly by a bizarre and tasteless cameo from Katy Perry, but otherwise serves as a massive improvement over the show's more recent installments.

Episodes centred around Bart becoming the new school bully, Nelson dropping out of school to become an inventor and Lisa worrying about her future are backed up by a stellar Halloween special and the welcome return of the hilarious Angry Dad.

Season 22 also introduces Fit Tony, the new mob boss in town, and has Homer become a popular hairdresser in the brilliant "Homer Scissorhands." There are some brief moments of filler, but even the weaker episodes of the season are too enjoyable to bash on, making season 22 a top-tier season of a top-tier show.

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i get to write about what i love, which is cool. be good to each other