The Simpsons: Harry Shearer's 10 Worst Characters

1. Dewey Largo

Springfield Elementary's resident music teacher and all around miserable human being, Dewey Largo is Harry Shearers worst character by far. Bitter, mean, resentful of all children, and quick to oppress any signs of independence or happiness, Largo has absolutely no redeeming qualities. Even when he's happy after meeting his new partner, he's just reduced to being a dated gay stereotype. Worse still, Shearer injects his voice with a shrill nasal tone which makes every statement out of his mouth sound like a complaint, which as a matter of fact it is. Apart from asking Lisa if she found anything amusing about the word "Trumboner", Largo never brings the laughs to any episodes. If Shearer had left the show, it would have been a relief to see Largo with him. Thanks for reading! Who are your least favorite characters voiced by Shearer?

As a wrestling fan I've flown across the Atlantic for the last five years specifically to attend WrestleMania (28 and 30) as well as TNA, ROH, Evolve, Chikara and most recently PWG. I may have a problem! But if you're reading my work then you probably love wrestling too, so lets focus on that!