The Snarkiest True Blood Season 6 Recap - Episode 1

19 Alcide eats some dead-guy-I-can€™t-remember's arm. Grandma Werewolf reminds us that he€™s still high on V, but that power corrupts. Some naked girl declares herself open for business, and Alcide looks rather pleased. Recapper: Is that the season theme? Power corrupts? Have we been watching Game of Thrones, writers? 20 Andy and Arlene have a really touching and occasionally hilarious conversation about parenthood, which would be nice and entertaining to watch if four characters, at least one of whom is suicidally stupid, weren€™t barreling towards a conversation with a new vampire god. There€™s a lesson on diapers that Terry is fantastically intense about, babies wander around, Andy is cute. 21 Recapper: Where did they get these babies? Are these the Paquin-Moyer offspring? Would that be cute or weird? And most importantly: I would like to thank everyone involved in True Blood for resisting the temptation to impregnate Sookie Stackhouse with vampire babies, because that would have just been the worst thing ever.

Rebecca Kulik lives in Iowa, reads an obsence amount, watches way too much television, and occasionally studies for her BA in History. Come by her personal pop culture blog at and her reading blog at