The Snarkiest True Blood Season 6 Recap - Episode 1
Alcide eats some dead-guy-I-cant-remember's arm. Grandma Werewolf reminds us that hes still high on V, but that power corrupts. Some naked girl declares herself open for business, and Alcide looks rather pleased. Recapper: Is that the season theme? Power corrupts? Have we been watching Game of Thrones, writers? Andy and Arlene have a really touching and occasionally hilarious conversation about parenthood, which would be nice and entertaining to watch if four characters, at least one of whom is suicidally stupid, werent barreling towards a conversation with a new vampire god. Theres a lesson on diapers that Terry is fantastically intense about, babies wander around, Andy is cute. Recapper: Where did they get these babies? Are these the Paquin-Moyer offspring? Would that be cute or weird? And most importantly: I would like to thank everyone involved in True Blood for resisting the temptation to impregnate Sookie Stackhouse with vampire babies, because that would have just been the worst thing ever.