The True Story Behind Christopher Eccleston's Doctor Who Exit

8. Eccleston Is Cast For Doctor Who's Second Coming

Doctor Who Ninth Doctor Rose
Ian West/PA Archive

Names thrown around as a potential Ninth Doctor included Tom Baker and Judi Dench. As Russell T Davies nodded along to these suggestions, he was harbouring a desire to cast Hugh Grant in the role. Quite what the battle-scarred Doctor would be like in the hands of Grant is anyone's guess, as Grant declined the offer. Something he's said to have later regretted after seeing how successful the show became.

A name that nobody had even considered was Christopher Eccleston, an actor known for his work in grounded, realistic seminal dramas like Our Friends in the North and Cracker. He was not an actor known for the lightness of touch many expected from the character of the Doctor.

In an interview to announce his casting, Eccleston noted that:

"I don't think he's going to be as eccentric and foppish as he was in some of his incarnations."

Eccleston was cast after he emailed Davies to register his interest. Having previously worked on The Second Coming with RTD, Eccleston told the press he was "excited" to be working with him again. In the same interview, Eccleston noted that they were keen to modernise the series. In a nod to the classic series' perceived sexism, Eccleston joked:

"I'll be doing the running around screaming"


Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.