The Umbrella Academy: 10 Biggest Changes To The Comics

3. Klaus

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Dark Horse Comics

While Klaus may have been one of the best elements of the show, due in most part to Robert Sheehan's brilliant performance, there was quite a large amount that was changed about the character during his jump to Netflix.

The most obvious difference is Klaus' powers, with the version in the show being vastly more underpowered than his comic counterpart. In the books, the character still retains the ability to commune with the dead, but also has access to some incredibly powerful telekinetic abilities, ones great enough to be able to stop a "forty-thousand-ton chunk of moon" dead in its tracks.

The other big change is simply how much better The Séance is at dealing with constantly seeing the deceased, as while the character is nowhere near sober in the comics, he is always much more composed, being the owner of a few successful businesses and becoming a father during his time spent in Vietnam.


Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!