The Umbrella Academy Season 2: Every Academy Member Ranked From Worst To Best

5. Allison

The Umbrella Academy Season 2

When Allison was fired back in time by Number Five, she was unable to speak thanks to her run in with Vanya. Yet, by the time she was reunited with her brothers and sister, she was back to normal, and with a husband by her side no less.

While stranded in the past, unsure of where her siblings were, Number Three made the decision to live her life actively avoiding the use of her powers, even after she regained her voice. Seeing this as a fresh start, Allison made a genuine difference in Dallas in the fight for racial equality.

When she finally did resort to using her powers however, it was rarely for the good of her team. It was either to save her husband's life (twice), to prove to him that she wasn't lying and to allow him to try a on suit in a store, or to get revenge on the racist who threw hot coffee over her. All valid reasons for spreading her rumours, but never truly in the interest of the Umbrella Academy.

When she eventually did try to use her powers to help the team and take down Lila, she was easily countered and found herself unable to breathe. Ultimately, though she did so much good in Dallas in the early 60's, she struggled to actually make much of an impact for the team.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.