The Umbrella Academy Season 2 Review: 8 Ups & 2 Downs

Even with its issues, season one was propped up at all times by the efforts of an incredible ensemble cast. The chemistry between the leads kept things engaging even in the show's weaker moments, and that's truer this time around.
All of the actors feel decidedly more confident in their parts this year, allowing them to deepen their respective characters and deliver more affecting, meaningful banter with their screen siblings.
There are obvious standouts - Robert Sheehan is once again magnificent as the tortured yet delightfully charming Klaus, who spends the season seeking spiritual redemption and struggling to come to terms with his prior losses.
But the show-stealer just might be, again, Aidan Gallagher, whose mind-bogglingly impressive performance as Five continues to suggest a wisdom far beyond his years - as is necessary for the character, a middle-aged man trapped in a boy's body, to work.
Yet everyone gives it their all, even Page, who despite being saddled in such an unconvincing B-plot for much of the season, imbues it with every drop of feeling possible.
Season two simply confirms how impeccably cast the ensemble truly is. Bravo.