The US Office: 10 Best Episodes Of All Time

6. Casino Night

michael scott the office

The final episode of season 2 closed what is arguably one of the shows best seasons as the show began to define itself and its characters. The season closed in style as Michael organised a Casino-themed night in the Dunder Mifflin warehouse in the name of charity.

After butchering the name of the charity (Aid to Afghanistan) in hilarious fashion, Michael spends the night trying to navigate through two dates at the same time with both his realtor Carole (played by Steve Carell’s actual wife, Nancy Carell) and his boss Jan. The Jim and Pam storyline that consumed much of the season finally came to a head as Jim professed his love for Pam before the two kissed. The audience is finally introduced properly to Creed as a character as he cheats, and steals, his way to the biggest winnings of the night earning him a refrigerator courtesy of Bob Vance of Vance Refrigeration.

The episode closes the season out fantastically by using its full cast of developing characters to provide a hilarious yet drama-filled episode that really pushed the show forward and showed exactly what it was capable of.


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