The Walking Dead: 10 Best Villains From The TV Show

3. The Wolf Leader

With all the negatives that The Wolves left us with, the best part about the group was the leader. We don€™t know his name, but we do know that he has brought it upon himself to kill anyone he came across in the post-apocalyptic world of The Walking Dead. The Wolf was cold, cunning and remorseless, believing Morgan€™s philosophical outlook on life to be a sign of weakness. He had no qualms with murdering children, as he admitted that when he got free, he was going to murder every man, woman and child in Alexandria, because while Morgan€™s €œcode€ involves mercy, The Wolf€™s was quite the opposite. He was not shy about sharing his intentions, either. When Carol realised that Morgan had spared The Wolf€™s life, she went down to the basement he was being held in to put an end to his life once and for all, for the safety and protection of everyone in the community. Morgan tried to make a case for The Wolf and convince Carol to let him live, but The Wolf didn€™t hold back in letting her know is intentions of killing everyone in the community. Then of course, there€™s the fact that he took Denise with him upon his escape. The only thing that keeps him from being further down on this list is the fact that he saved her, sacrificing his own life in the process. Whether he did it for her safety or to try to save the doctor for his own benefit is unknown, but it could be proof that Morgan and Eastman's method works. People change, and as bad as The Wolf was, it was sad to see him go.

Editor/Author of 'Under the Spotlight' for SLTD Wrestling. Games Development Student. @AdamOB_UTS on Twitter.