The Walking Dead: 10 Deaths You Didn't Actually See Happen

8. Lilly

Lilly wasn€™t a huge character over her few episodes in Season 4, and didn€™t have time to develop like her sister Tara has by now, but she did play a vital role in bringing The Governor back from the brink after a crippling defeat in the previous season€™s finale. She and her family took €œBrian€ into their home, and after most of them left to search for somewhere safer, the Governor did what he did best, took control of power after killing Martinez, allowing him to put an army together to finally take down the prison. Having seen what the Governor had become, showing no remorse over the death of Lilly€™s daughter and not hesitating to put the girl down after seeing she€™d been bit, along with the fact that he€™d just decapitated an old man and ordered his crew to tear apart someone else€™s community, she got the idea that he wasn€™t really a swell guy. The Governor, slowly bleeding out after a brutal fist fight with Rick that culminated in him getting impaled by Michonne€™s katana, was put down with a bullet to the brain by Lilly herself. We didn€™t see what became of Lilly after killing her lover, but according to Tara, she was soon surrounded by walkers and torn apart limb from limb. Based on her mannerisms during her final moments of the episode, it€™s safe to say her death was one of suicidal tendencies, over the loss of all hope, rather than just her getting cornered. A sad end for someone who not long before had everything she€™d ever need in the zombie apocalypse.

Editor/Author of 'Under the Spotlight' for SLTD Wrestling. Games Development Student. @AdamOB_UTS on Twitter.