The Walking Dead: 10 Deaths You Didn't Actually See Happen

7. Lori

Believe it or not, there are some fans out there that think Lori Grimes is still alive, and somehow made it out of the prison in Season 3, after having suffered an old school caesarean section at the hands of Maggie and a blunt knife. Yes, Carl claims to have shot her in the head post-mortem in order to prevent his mother from turning, but all we saw was Carl emerge from the room after firing a shot. We never did see it. Not only that, but later on, when Rick goes to inspect the remains of his deceased wife, he finds nothing but bloodstains on the floor, and a severely bloated walker who€™d just enjoyed a rather hefty meal to himself. It was strange to see zero evidence of Lori€™s corpse left behind, no bones, and no organs. Just blood. If you follow the graphic novels, you will know that Lori does in fact meet her fate inside the the prison, and although the tale was altered, she suffered an equally measly demise in the television series. Still, you will see conspiracy theorists out there who believe that Lori was taken by somebody, patched up and somehow survived her own gruesome death. The realists among us, however, know that there was no way in hell that Lori made it out, and she€™s a goner for sure. Still though, with Rick moving in on Jessie in Alexandria, how hilarious would it be to see Lori return, with the tables having turned, now with Rick as the one with a new partner after being led to believe that their spouse was dead? It€™s never going to happen, but hey, it would be an interesting shift of plot.

Editor/Author of 'Under the Spotlight' for SLTD Wrestling. Games Development Student. @AdamOB_UTS on Twitter.