The Walking Dead: 10 Dumbest Character Decisions

8. Morgan Gets Cold Feet

Even as far back as the pilot characters were making dumb decisions, perhaps the biggest of that episode being Morgan's inability to shoot his zombie wife. After parting ways with Rick and returning home, he goes upstairs, pulls out his sniper rifle and starts shooting a couple zombies in order to get their attention. Eventually he spots his wife in the herd. He aims at her head, mentally bracing himself for what he knows he should do...and can't do it. This is the last we see of Morgan for a while. We didn't know it at the time but this lack of action on Morgan's part would eventually lead to the death of his son Duane. As explained when Rick reunited with a traumatized Morgan in season three, Duane was bitten by his zombified mother. Morgan of course blames himself, as had he actually put a bullet in her head Duane might still be alive. It's easy to empathize with Morgan. Zombie or not, it takes a cold man to be able to shoot his wife. But knowing what we know about the nature of zombies, killing her should have been a no-brainer. At the very least it would have been one less zombie to worry about. This is a classic case of emotional baggage keeping a person from making a rational decision. Special mention must go to Morgan's strategy for finding his wife via luring a herd of zombies to his house with gun shots. Not exactly the smartest thing to do. It's actually surprising that didn't get Duane killed.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.