The Walking Dead: 10 Dumbest Character Decisions

7. Andrea Shoots Daryl

The second season saw the beginnings of Andrea's descent into incompetence. After recovering from the depression established last season, Andrea attempts to become a more active member of the group. This gets the better of her when Daryl, after wandering around looking for Sophia to the point of delirium, comes stumbling out of the woods. Mistaken as a zombie from afar, Andrea says she can shoot him, but Shane and Rick say this is unnecessary and go to handle the supposed lone zombie themselves. Of course they realize it is Daryl once they get up close, but Andrea just can€™t help doing what she was told not to do and shoots anyway, nearly killing the most valuable member of their group. This was one of those scream at the television moments of the show. Obviously Andrea felt undermined by not being allowed to take the shot, which motivated her to prove herself, but her nearly killing Daryl demonstrates why the others made the right call. Shooting at the first thing that moves is reckless, especially when your friends are in the direct line of fire! And even if it was actually a zombie it would have wasted ammo and risked attracting more. What makes the situation even dumber is that Andrea should have figured something was up when Rick and the others lowered their weapons. Yet despite this she still takes the shot, only realizing something is wrong when Rick screams. How dense can you be? Coordination is key to group survival, and Andrea€™s little stunt could have cost them dearly. Good thing she€™s a terrible shot.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.